Unique Conferences Canada
Unique Conferences Canada (UCC) is one of the leading scientific conference organizers in North America. UCC works with many partners around the globe including leading universities and journal publishers. UCC has expertise on managing and organizing world class Conferences, Seminars, Symposiums, Summits and Workshops around the globe by creating opportunities for the Scientists, Researchers, Academics and Professionals to enhance their careers through its international events. The significant component featured in UCC events is their dynamic, innovative and contemporary themes which cater to a lager spectrum.
Conferences in 2025
9th Canadian International Conference on Advances in Education, Teaching &Technology 2025
( https://educationconference.info/ )
7th Canadian International Conference on Humanities & Social Sciences 2025
( https://socialsciences.info/ )
8th International Conference on Climate Change, Environment Issues and Society 2025
2nd Canadian International Conference on Sustainable Development Goals 2025
International Multidisciplinary Research Journal - ISSN 2424-7073
International Multidisciplinary Research Journal - ISSN 2424-7073 is a peer-reviewed , scholarly , open access, online journal focusing on Multidisciplinary research on all research areas. The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scholarly excellence. Thus, it reports on the latest research findings and innovations to raise the understanding of arts, science & technology.
Canadian Teacher Magazine is an independent national magazine, published by Pacific Edge Publishing, Ltd. It aims to keep Canadian teachers abreast of current trends in their field by offering informative articles on instructional strategies and methodology, classroom management, professional and personal development, and national and international issues.
*EduTeach2025 offers a discounted registration fee for Canadian high school teachers to learn the latest research findings in Education, Teaching, Learning, and Technology on all continents.