9th Canadian International Conference on Advances in Education, Teaching & Technology

EduTeach is an annual premier knowledge building and professional networking event for global Educators who empower future leaders through emerging trends in technology. This event is legendary for its innovative and focused contents, for unrivaled networking opportunities and presenter friendly atmosphere.


  • Over 490 Paper Presenters
  • Participants from 131 Countries
  • Presenters from more than 295 Universities
  • 31  Keynote Speakers

EduTeach2025 expects presenters from many countries and from all continents. The two day conference program consists interactive academic sessions and workshops.

**Pictures of past conferences


2024- University of Toronto, Canada

2023-University of Toronto, Canada

2022- University of Toronto, Canada

2021- Online from Toronto, Canada

2019 - University of Toronto, Canada

2018 - University of Toronto, Canada

2017 - Ryerson University , Toronto, Canada

2016 - Ryerson University , Toronto, Canada

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